Role and position of the organisation

  • Complete administration of the Cadastre (including legal relations to real estate property),
  • Maintenance and modernisation of horizontal, vertical and gravity control in the Czech Republic,
  • Large-scale mapping (cadastral maps, derived 1 : 5 000 State map),
  • Medium-scale mapping (Base map of the Czech Republic 1 : 10 000, 1 : 25 000, 1 : 50 000, 1 : 100 000, 1 : 200 000),
  • Small-scale mapping of the Czech Republic (1 : 500 000, 1 : 1 000 000),
  • Creation of the Fundamental Base of Geographic Data (ZABAGED),
  • Geodetic surveys and documentation of state boundaries,
  • Development and maintenance of the Information System of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre in the Czech Republic,
  • Standardisation of geographical names,
  • Coordination of research and international cooperation in geodesy, cartography and cadastre.

Administration of Cadastre of Real Estate is performed by 14 cadastral offices in regions and 94 subordinated offices, 80% of all activities in the sector of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre - ČÚZK). Since 1993 cadastral offices have been given the power to make decisions about entries of proprietary and other rights in relation to real estate into the cadastre.

Maintenance and modernisation of fundamental geodetic control, medium- and small-scale official mapping, creation of the Fundamental Base of Geographic Data (ZABAGED) and geodetic surveys and documentation of state boundaries are mostly carried out by the Land Survey Office in Prague.

7 Survey and Cadastral Inspectorates supervise the performance of cadastral offices and those activities of private companies and licensed surveyors performed for the state administration.

The Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre is an autonomous supreme body of the state administration of surveying, mapping and cadastre in the Czech Republic. The president of ČÚZK is subordinated only to the prime minister of the Government. The Office has its own account in the State budget of the Czech Republic.

Date of last update: 11.06.2020